All Things To Know About Lie Detector Tests In Locationname Countyname

Lie Detector Test In Locationname Questions And Answers, Costs, Precision And How It Works

10 Details To Know Before Taking A Lie Detector Test In Locationname

1. How Is A Lie Detector Test In Locationname Defined ?

One of the ways to find out whether one is lying in Hungerford is by using the Lie Detector Test or Polygraph Test An instrument identified as a polygraph is used to measure and record physiological responses to a number of questions put forward to the individual. Hungerford based company, UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford are an excellent example of expert and approved Polygraph inspectors in Berkshire.

2. How Does A Lie Detector Test Operate?

Body reactions that are tested are blood pressure, heart beat rate, breathing rate and sweating. The ability of Polygraph to produce different physiological responses from non-deceptive answers and deceptive answers is the reason behind this method. A professional examiner working with UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford of Hungerford does the interpretation of test results when the lie detector test is completed.

3. What Is The Accuracy And Precision Of The Test In Locationname?

When a certified and fully trained Polygraph examiner carries out a Lie Detector Test the test accuracy can be between a high level 95% and 97%.

4. What Are The Costs Involved For A Lie Detector Test In Locationname?

A lie detector test can cost about £395.00 inc VAT depending on where you are located in the UK. Some elements could impact the price and add the kind of situation, the setting of the exam, and if more than one Lie Detector Tests are needed.

5. What Questions Are Asked?

The subject is talked through all the questions during a pre-test interview just before the Lie Detector Test starts in Hungerford. Questions which necessitated the need for the Lie Detector Test in the first place take centre stage as there would be no prank questions whatsoever. UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford will never ask intimate, thoughtless or invasive questions and no approved experienced invigilator should do so

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Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

6. Questioning Techniques Used In Lie Detector Tests

The UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Examiner will ask three different types of questions by the subject during the Lie Detector Test. Irrelevant questions are used to create the guideline that will be used to compare the answers of other simple questions asked in the Lie Detector Test. Comparison questions are not immediately linked to the circumstance or event and are designed to invite the subject to lie. Related queries are regarding the situation or case and are evaluated against the unrelated and differentiation queries alike.

7. Pre-test Interview

Prior to the initiation of Lie Detector Test starts the examinee will undergo a pre-examination appraisal where the UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford analyst will spend a hour becoming more acquainted with him and their circumstance. During the pre-test interview, the examiner will study the examinee to get a better understanding of him or her during the lie detector test. The queries in the exam would additionally be checked by the assessor as well as the subject during this time prior to the Lie Detector Test.

8. Reports And Verdicts

The interviewer at UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford provides the result usually the same day of the concluded Polygraph test in Hungerford. The full report of lie detector results will be given with the examinee both verbally and you can see the post of them in Your Hungerford Home.

What's The Minimum Age For Undergoing A Lie Detector Test In Locationname?

14 years is the minimum legal age limit for someone who is taking a Lie Detector Test in the UK. The UK Lie detector test always complies by this age limit religiously and will always demand for parental consent and guidance for subjects below 18 years

10. History Of The Lie Detector Test

James McKenzie was a British heart surgeon who invented the Lie Detector Test in 1906. The instrument was capable of measuring and recording changes in both the increased heartbeat and sweating. By 1921 American Police Officer, John Augustus Larson built an august and better reliable Polygraph instrument for finding criminals. Later in 1925, Leonarde Keeler improved upon the machine by using ink on paper instead of the smoke paper recording used by the old machine. In 1938, Keeler, yet again added another feature to the instrument, and this time, it was a component used to measure galvanic skin resistance. Throughout the years the Polygraph made further advances and John Reid introduced his method of control questioning in 1947. In 1992 the Polygraph machine was computerised and this made it all the more efficient.

Work With UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Today

Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

Is A Lie Detector Test Expensive In Locationname?

Would It Have Lower Cost When One Question Is Asked?

This is a common question frequently asked, but the UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Polygraph exam fee is not determined by the quantity of inquiries. Accuracy can be affected if too many questions are asked but the same exam process is undertaken regardless of if only one question is asked. Only one issue should be targeted in a Lie Detector Test and only that issue should be the focus of all questions.

Why Is A Non-refundable Deposit Needed?

Before placing a request for a Polygraph Test here in Hungerford with UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford, you will need to make a non refundable payment. The costs of expenses including the venue and travel around the UK are covered by the deposit. Committing the examinee to a non-refundable deposit means that they are more committed to undergo the Lie Detector Test.

Can A Polygraph Test Help Sort Trust Issues In A Relationship?

When relationships go wrong there will be a loss of trust and accusations can begin to take over. One of the means of getting trust back in a relationship is by taking a Lie Detector or Polygraph Test. You may hope for having both of you to take a lie detector test polygraph exam as it can handle the relationship issues or there may be more than one issue as well. The UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford price start from £395.00 inc VAT but can change depending on how many tests will be required, your location in the UK and much more. Some of such situations includes a case where you want your partner to be tested in Newbury, while you undergo your own Lie Detector Test in your residence in Reading The cost in such a case would obviously go up as the examiner administering the UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford would have to travel from one location to another within Berkshire.

What Does A Lie Detector Test Cost For Theft?

Theft both at home in Sandhurst or in the workplace in Slough can result in loss and distressed, both fiscally and in your bond with family members or co-workers. Being in charge through the use of a UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford conducted Lie Detector Test can be the most efficient and finest means of discovering who is the person behind it in Berkshire. The expenses can contrast and rely upon the quantity of suspects you wish to take the Lie Detector Test and where you are situated in Berkshire. The minimum cost of a polygraph test is £395 inc VAT and it will involve questions, testing techniques that are suitable for the private and corporate clients within the UK.

Work With UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Today

Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

Choosing A Reputable Lie Detection Company

Several Respectable Lie Detector Companies Offer Good Service In Locationname

However there are certain points that you should look out for when hiring a Polygraph company in Hungerford. You may look into the accreditation of the company, their level of service or reviews if available, and even their manner of handling the process or the case. Can you take your Lie Detector test in private locations, like Nationwide controlled offices or residential locations? UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford has a team of specialist Lie Detector Test examiners who will quickly, discreetly and easily book your polygraph in matter of seconds through 0800 061 4592. Getting the services from an expert Lie Detector Test is world's apart from what you get on the Jeremy Kyle Show. Lie detector tests have received a major boost from the Jeremy Kyle show but it is the belief of UK lie detector test that personal matters should be dealt with in private. UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford can provide a specialised and discreet Lie Detector Test in the comfort of your own residence either in Maidenhead or Thatcham.

Accuracy Of The Polygraph Results

Precision And The Level Of Questioning

Polygraph tests have been able to provide up to 98% accurate results as shown by research. The question of how to beat a Lie Detector Test through so-called countermeasures is still formulated because there is still noteworthy error rates.

Can Nerves Make Me Look Guilty When I Am Not?

Being nervous doesn't change the results as most likely you will be nervous throughout the exam. Someone saying the truth or a lie can be detected based on statements to questions asked and the approach taken. At UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford in Hungerford, an expert examiner will guide you and help you relax when taking the polygraph.

The Control Question Test And The Guilty Knowledge Test

The test which serves as a physiological baseline is the Control Question Test. Making use of control questions with known responses to make comparisons with important questions to the specific event or occurrence. If a truthful response was given to the control question, the physiological response will increase, while it will reduce if the response is a lie. In the Guilty Knowledge test, a multiple choice question is used to record the physiological response, and here, one of the options will be the correct answer, while the others will be incorrect. The greater physiological response should be the correct answer and the controls are the incorrect answers. This method is used by UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford to reveal the knowledge the subject has of a specific situation.


The autonomic reactions are detected with the help of a Polygraph instrument during a UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Lie Detector Test. The conscious mind cannot easily control the autonomic reactions. Movement of the muscles, capillary dilation, blood pressure, respiration rate, heart rate, and skin conductivity are some of such body reactions. The person who is examined has to put on an inflatable cuff that can measure blood pressure, pneumographs to assess respiration and electrodes on his/her fingers to assess the conductivity of the skin. The truth is determined when the examinee's autonomic responses our higher when answering controlled questions as opposed to the relevant questions. Then, there will be a different case in the autonomic response that indicates a person is showing deception. The Lie Detector Test is seen as uncertain if there is no variety in any of the appropriate responses from the questions asked.

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Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

Cognitive Polygraph

Lie detection including cognitive load is a recent approach that is designed to draw out higher mental effort in liar's than truth tellers. Both polygraph based questioning and cognitive load are different. The deception can be analysed by the physiological arousal in the Polygraph based questioning. Rise in cognitive indices of cognitive load indicates the guilt or otherwise of the examinee.


One of the best eye-trackers is one that records the movement of both eyes at the same time. Lie Detection eye tracking gauges small alterations in the eye through the use of an infrared camera to spot deceit.

Voice Stress Analysis

Voice examination recognizes varieties in the pitch, recurrence and power in the voice that are thought to flag lying. This kind of system may be utilised over the telephone.

Observations Of The Brain

The use of MRI in providing brain images that shows the brain's usage of oxygen and the parts of it that uses the same during different thought processes. It has been shown that this can be used as a method of lie detection to catch the lie at the source.

Non-verbal Queues

This involves monitoring spontaneous facial expressions and other micro expressions using high speed cameras over a duration of time. A micro-expression can be used to identify deceptive or truthful behaviour and are difficult to control and almost impossible to hide.


In order to obtain information from subjects without consent, truth drugs including ethanol, cannabis, sodium thiopental among others have historically been used. Research has been done on assortment of substances and there is right now no medication available to identify lying.

How Can You Justify 98% Accuracy?

There are four main points to note in the very strict operating methods for the UK Lie Detector test. They only use experienced, accredited professionals as Lie Detector Test examiners. Our Polygraph machines are modern and updated regularly. UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Lie Detector Tests are performed only in surroundings without disruption or distraction. All subjects go through evaluation prior to testing wherein they are given the terms and conditions of the lie detector test of the UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford

How Precise Is A UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Lie Detector Test?

UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford can achieve test results of 95% - 98% accuracy through their fully trained, highly experienced and accredited Polygraph examiners using state of the art modern polygraph equipment in the right climate.

Work With UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Today

Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

Can Lie Detector Tests Be Used In Court?

In What Kind Of Cases Should A Polygraph Be Utilized?

In the UK, Polygraph Lie Detector Tests cannot be used in the court as evidence, however, this doesn't mean it is not helpful in many private and business matters. A Lie Detector Test during a Pre-Employment Screening gives a good idea of how dependable the candidate is particularly when working with info that's classified or sensitive. Fraud or robbery examinations can be handled rapidly with the assistance of a UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Polygraph exam. Sexual offenders in jail can go through a polygraph test to determine if they are ready to be released back into the society. If there are employees who have access to large amounts of money, they should be tested to make sure everything's good.

What Does The UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Lie Detector Test Measure?

How Does A Lie Detector Work?

Statements made by the individual under scrutiny to questions asked during a polygraph test are categorised as false or true based on physiological reactions by the individual. These responses are manifested through pulse rate, blood pressure, breathing, and sweating.

Does It Hurt?

Apart from the pressure on the arm from the blood pressure pump on the cuff, there is no pain.

How Long Does It Usually Take For The Whole Process?

It may usually take one to two hours to complete a Lie Detector Test because only Polygraph instrument is not used in the UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Polygraph exam but there are several other things involved. A pre-test examination is carried out regularly so you can meet with the UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford interrogator and he can get to know you and your condition Questions tabled during the Lie Detector Test session are discussed with the subject in advance to ensure he/she understands specific and closed test questions. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the test, it will vary in length from case to case.

Do I Have To Wait For The Results?

The subject is provided with verbal results at the end of the Lie Detector Test and the examiner hangs around to answer any questions the subject could raise. All examination information will be provided to you in a full report including transcripts, charts, and video recordings.

How To Schedule A Lie Detector Test In The UK?

It is easy to book a polygraph test confidentially in Hungerford. At the booking phase, it will be prerequisite to pay a non-refundable credit of £300 and you will get validation of your booking in Hungerford.

Lie Detector Test In My Vicinity In Locationname

Claim free consultation service from devoted members of staff to book your Lie Detector Test today. Our Lie Detector Tests are available at home addresses or can be conducted in hotel conference rooms across the country We cover many locations in the UK including Reading, Sandhurst, Slough, Maidenhead, Thatcham and Newbury in Berkshire. Contact 0800 061 4592 to get in touch with our friendly team or drop us a line at to book your test and know more about us at UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford.

Work With UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford Today

Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

UK Lie Detector Test in Hungerford

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