Important Information You Need To Know About Lie Detector Tests In Locationname

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lie Detector Test In Locationname, Prices, How It Operates, As Well As Correctness

10 Important Facts To Know Before Taking A Lie Detector Test In Locationname

1. Precisely What Is A Lie Detector Test In Locationname?

Also known as Polygraph Test, the Lie Detector Test is a process administered to a subject in order to determine if he or she is telling the truth or not in Woburn Sands. An instrument identified as a polygraph is used to measure and record physiological responses to a number of questions put forward to the individual. UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands, located in Woburn Sands, is a great example of efficient and authorized Polygraph examiners in Buckinghamshire.

2. What Makes A Lie Detector Test Work?

Several physiological responses are recorded such as heart rate, blood pressure, pulse, etc. For every false response, a Polygraph result will often provide specific reactions which are utterly different from those which are true. A skilled UK Lie Detector test in Woburn Sands examiner determines the outcome of Lie Detector Test from comparing and contrasting responses to questions asked during the examination.

3. How Accurate Is A Test?

When a certified and fully trained Polygraph examiner carries out a Lie Detector Test the test accuracy can be between a high level 95% and 97%.

4. How Much Can I Expect To Pay For A Lie Detector Test In Locationname?

The cost of UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Polygraph exam varies, depending on your location, but can be as low as £395.00 inc VAT. Other aspects may affect the cost and include the kind of case, the test venue and if various group Lie Detector Tests are needed.

5. What Kind Of Questions Can Be Asked?

Before starting the Lie detector test in Woburn Sands, all the questions are discussed with the subject during a pre-test interview. Here, the subject is only asked the Lie Detector Test related questions and not questions to trick them. UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands will not annoy clients with tactless or intrusive inquiries as they are certified and proficient professionals and knows how to deal.

Work With UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Today

Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

6. Questioning Strategies Employed In A Lie Detector Test

The UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands examiner will ask the subject three types of questions during a Lie Detector Test. They ask some simple and irrelevant question in the Lie Detector Test to get a baseline for how the subject reacts to simple questions. The subject is lured into lying with the mock comparison questions that are totally out of the major point of discuss. Relevant questions are compared with both the Comparison and Irrelevant questions as they're about the circumstances of the event.

Pre-testing Interview

Prior to the initiation of Lie Detector Test starts the examinee will undergo a pre-examination appraisal where the UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands analyst will spend a hour becoming more acquainted with him and their circumstance. The examiner sizes up the subject in order to assess his reactions during the Lie Detector Test itself. This is also when the examiner will review the questions before beginning the Lie Detector Test.

8. Conclusion And Reports

Once analysis is complete results are supplied the same day by the UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands examiner in Woburn Sands. The outcomes of the Lie Detector test would be revealed to the subject in person as well as in a complete record which could be sent to your residence in Woburn Sands.

9. Is There An Age Limit For Someone Taking A Polygraph Test In Locationname?

The lowest legal age limit for an individual taking a Lie Detector Test is 14 in the United Kingdom. UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands ensures that this age requirement is observed every time they conduct tests to subjects who are younger than 18 years old even with a parental authority.

10. History

James McKenzie, a British heart surgeon invented the Polygraph Test in 1906, The faster heartbeat and increased sweating were the most important elements that were measured in the instrument. Several years after, in 1921, John Augustus Larson, an American Police Officer developed a better and more accurate version of Polygraph instrument for forensic use. IN 1925, the instrument produced by Larson was innovated by Leonarde Keeler, whereby he replaced the smoke paper with ink pens to improve its efficiency. Again in 1938, Keeler further modified the equipment by including another measuring component for galvanic skin resistance The Polygraph continued advancing as the years rolled by until the control questioning method was brought in by John Reid in 1947. At last, the Lie Detector Test Device was computerised during 1992 following numerous years of testing with techniques to make it better.

Work With UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Today

Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

What Is The Fee For A Lie Detector Test In Locationname?

Does The Number Of Questions Determine The Cost?

Clients are always asking this question, but at the UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands, the number of questions does not influence the cost of the Polygraph Test. No matter the number of questions asked, the test will still involve the same process, through increased number of questions could affect the accuracy of the results. Each question asked should be related to one issue in Lie Detector Test.

Why Is A Non Refundable Deposit Required?

When you want to book a Lie Detector test with UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands in Woburn Sands, you will be asked to make a non refundable deposit. This deposit covers the cost of expenses including the venue and travel around the UK. The fact that the subject has agreed to a non-repayable deposit also means that they are willing to undergo the Lie Detector Test.

How Much Is A Lie Detector Test When Dealing With Trust Issues In A Relationship?

There are times when trust is lost in a relationship and accusations become the order of the day. The best way of finding out if you can learn to trust your partner again is to conduct a Lie Detector Test or Polygraph Test. You may hope for having both of you to take a lie detector test polygraph exam as it can handle the relationship issues or there may be more than one issue as well. Although the prices start from £395 inc VAT, costs can vary depending on your area in the UK and how many tests will be needed with other aspects. For example, you partner is in Amersham and needs to take a UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands exam in his or her home and you're in Aylesbury for your exam. Since the UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Interviewer would need to visit both places in Buckinghamshire, the cost of such an arrangement is often higher.

How Much Does Lie Detector Test Cost For Theft Cases?

Theft both at home in Beaconsfield or in the workplace in Bletchley can result in loss and distressed, both fiscally and in your bond with family members or co-workers. To have the best and most effective way to locate the culprit in Buckinghamshire, you can deal with case by having a UK lie detector test polygraph exam for sure. Total cost will be determined by the number of people to be tested and the location in Buckinghamshire where the Polygraph Test will be carried out. A Theft Lie Detector Test start at £395 inc VAT and include testing and questioning strategies that will suit both individual and business clients located in the UK.

Work With UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Today

Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

Picking The Best Lie Detection Business

You Can Find The Best Possible Service In Locationname By Many Reputable Lie Detector Companies

Before you hire an Woburn Sands-based Polygraph company, ensure you check out some specific points. Do they concentrate on their clients, are their processes transparent and do their examiners have accreditation? Also check whether they have offices in different parts of the country that offers private tests and secluded places to take your Lie Detector Test. With a quick, simple and discreet booking procedure, specialised Lie Detector Test examiners from UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands can arrange your test in seconds on 0800 061 4592. There is a case of difference going to a professional Lie Detector Test vs. going on the Jeremy Kyle Show. UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands believe it is better to deal with personal problems in private; however, Jeremy Kyle Show has given Lie Detector Tests a significant boost. UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands can offer a professional and discreet Lie Detector Test in the comfort of your own home whether in Buckinghamshire or Buckingham.

Lie Detector Tests, Accurate Results

General Accuracy And Limitations Of Assessment

After detailed research, a Lie Detector Test is suggested as an excellent technique for discovering the truth and can provide 98% accuracy. The question of how to beat a Lie Detector Test through so-called countermeasures is still formulated because there is still noteworthy error rates.

Can Nerves Make Me Look Guilty When I Am Not?

Nerves are unlikely to affect the lie detector test because if you are nervous at the beginning of the exam you will continue to remain nervous throughout the test. The contrast of answering truthfully and deceitfully will still be shown through the responses to questioning and testing techniques of specific questions. You will feel more relaxed and enjoyed the test as Up lie detector test examiner will work well with you in Woburn Sands.

All You Wanted To Know About Control Question And Guilty Knowledge Tests

The Control Query Exam is utilised as a physical bounds by assessors from UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands. Control questions are used in conjunction with recognized answers in contrast to specific event or incident in question. When the control question was answered honestly, a bigger physiological response should be observed and a lesser physiological reaction when the examinee was dishonest. With the Guilty Knowledge Test, the physiological reaction is documented when a setup of multiple-choice questions with one correct answer and more wrong answers is posed to the subject. It is a must to have the correct answer as it will be a response to a greater physiological case and the controls are the incorrect answers This method is utilized by UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands to reveal the information the subject has of a specific event.


A polygraph instrument is used to detect autonomic responses during the Lie Detector Test from UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands. Autonomic responses are body functions that are not simply controlled by the conscious mind. Body reactions include blood pressure, respiration rate, capillary dilation, heart rate, skin conductivity, and muscular movement. The examinee it is required to wear an inflatable cuff for the measurement of blood pressure, pneumography, respiration and electrodes on the fingers for the measurement of skin conductivity. If the examinee's autonomic responses are higher when answering control questions as opposed to relevant questions, then the truth is determined. It's viewed that when an individual is deceitful, there will be modifications in the autonomic reactions. Should the responses remain the same, then the polygraph is considered as inconclusive.

Work With UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Today

Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

Cognitive Polygraph

A recent approach that is created to define higher mental effort in liar's than truth tellers will include cognitive load in lie detection. Cognitive load and Polygraph testing are two different things. Polygraph questioning relies on physiological reactions to determine any deception. Cognitive polygraph utilises the heightening of indices of cognitive load as the fundamental clue.

Eye-tracking Technology

If you look for the most popular eye-tracker, then you need a video based eye-tracker which focuses on both eyes and records eye movement. Eye-tracking for lie detection measures inconspicuous changes in the eye utilizing an infrared camera to recognize double dealing.

Voice Stress Analysis

Voice stress analysis involves the monitoring of changes in the intensity, frequencies and pitch of an individual's voice which indicate deception. This kind of system may be utilised over the telephone.

Brain Observations

The functional magnetic resonance imaging does not only show the amount of the oxygen that our brain consumes but it also shows the amount of oxygen that is used by different parts of the brain. It has been shown that this can be used as a method of lie detection to catch the lie at the source.

Non-verbal Queues

Small expressions or involuntary facial expressions are checked after some time by a high speed camera. Micro expressions are nearly impossible to hide as they are quite tough to control and can be utilised to discover if a subject is telling the truth or lying.


Truth drugs counting sodium thiopental, cannabis and ethanol amongst others have verifiably been utilized to acquire info from subjects without assent. There is no evidence however that drugs can cause a person to tell truth.

How Can You Justify 98% Accuracy?

UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands hold strict work techniques which cover four primary constituents. Only experienced and certified Lie Detector Test professionals are engaged. Lie Detector testing device is up to the minute and latter day. UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands just perform a lie detector exam in a setting where there's no interruption or disturbance. All legal points related to the Polygraph exam offered by the UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands are presented to the subject during the pre-examination evaluation.

Is A UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Lie Detector Test Really Accurate?

UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands highly proficient adequately taught and approved Polygraph interrogators using updated modern polygraph tool in the proper climate can attain exams scores of 95% - 98% level of accuracy

Work With UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Today

Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

Do Courts Accept Lie Detector Test?


In the UK, Polygraph Lie Detector Tests cannot be used in the court as evidence, however, this doesn't mean it is not helpful in many private and business matters. In careers where some delicate data is involved, the assessment procedure could provide more information about each applicant when combined with the polygraph test. Fraud or theft analysis can be dealt with quickly with the assistance of a UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Polygraph exam. When an offender in a sexual offence case finishes serving their sentence, the Sexual Offence Polygraph Testing could be used to ascertain if they are ready to adjust to normal life in Buckinghamshire. Representatives in financial parts who approach extensive entireties of cash can be frequently tried to guarantee they are not a threat.

What Does The UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Lie Detector Test Monitor?

The Way A Polygraph Instrument Works

A Lie Detector also known as Polygraph machine detects and records physiological autonomic responses of a subject to controlled or actual questions. Physical reactions consist of blood pressure, heartbeat, breathing, skin reaction.

Does It Hurt?

It will not hurt, however, you may feel uncomfortable due to the inflated blood pressure cuff on your arm.

Why Does The Process Take Long?

A lie detector test normally has a length of one to two hours since UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Lie Detector Exam is more than just the lie detector device. A pre-examination evaluation is at all times completed so that you can meet the examiner of UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands and he/she can come to grips with you and your circumstances. Any questions to be asked will be discussed thoroughly with you to ensure they are particular, closed questions and aid the test Your situation is responsible for the duration of the test and it is not constant.

Will I Have To Wait For The Results?

The UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands interviewer will talk to you about the exercise after the Polygraph test and the outcome will also be disclosed to you afterwards. You will get all information, such as video recordings, charts, and transcripts, within a short time after the test.

How To Schedule A Lie Detector Test In The UK?

The UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands booking process is simple, quick and discreet in Woburn Sands. You need to pay for a fee of a non-refundable deposit of £300 and you will get the confirmation of your booking in the booking stage in Woburn Sands.

Lie Detector Tests In The Locationname Area

You can get a free consolation and set up an appointment for a Lie Detector test today. You can take the test in your home, a hotel, or anywhere else. Bletchley, Buckinghamshire, Beaconsfield, Aylesbury, Amersham, and Buckingham in Buckinghamshire are all our catchment areas. Then, feel free to call us on 0800 061 4592 or drop us a line at to check out more and to book your test with the friendly team at UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands.

Work With UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands Today

Start working with the UK's leading polygraph lie detection company.

UK Lie Detector Test in Woburn Sands

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