Throughout the UK and America, Private Investigators offer their honest polygraph service. They are mostly available from 9am to 6pm, but many of them work till 10pm. So, no matter where you are, you can contact them individually or through their agency or Polygraph corporations of the UK during this work hours.
Many polygraph examiners will offer you suggestion and advice about polygraph tests for free. So, no worries about “How Much” before you chat with them! None of them will ask for a decisive price if they are professionals.
Qualified PE (Polygraph Examiner)
There are a few institutions which offer Polygraph training as well as certificates. They are “British Polygraph Network”, “British Polygraph Academy”, “American Polygraph Association” and “British and European Polygraph Association”. The Polygraph examiners who are trained from these institutions and certified as well are qualified polygraph examiners.
Polygraph Tests (PT)
There are thousands of reasons for which a polygraph test could be necessary. Among them, some are:
- PT for Money laundering
- PT for Employment
- PT for Security
- PT for Addiction
- PT for Insurance
- PT for Theft
- PT for Truth
- PT for Murder
- PT for Fraud
- PT for Fraud Sickness
- PT for Pre-employment history
- PT for Family disputes
- PT for Monetary disputes
- PT for Domestic abuse and so on
Success Rates (%) Of Polygraph Tests
The result is at least 40-60% success in polygraph tests, and sometimes it is about 98% successful. This surprising success is possible if only a real shrewd and highly skilled polygraph examiner is employed.
How Long Is A Polygraph Test?
Generally, a simple test may take 2-3 hours. But in many cases, the suspect can be really hard to break through. In those cases, several intervals could be necessary and the test may take 4-6 hours. There are several steps of polygraph tests. It may begin with a smile, with hi hello, with general questioning, casual talks. Gradually it will move to the subject. This is better because in this way the difference of the reading can easily be distinguished. Sometime an interval is given and a direct attack is launched. It all depends on the techniques of a polygraph examiner.
Costs Of PT (Polygraph Tests)
It is hourly in most cases. A polygraph examiner in UK may have a fixed hourly rate of £350-400. The cost can also be a fixed one. In this case it could be £450-1150. If you go near the examiner, you won’t have to pay for the mileage. But if the examiner has to come near you, you know what you have to.
Booking Money For A Polygraph Test
The booking money is non-refundable in the UK in case of polygraph tests. Private investigators in the UK offer many refundable investigation services, but polygraph test is not one of them. The test could be rescheduled or cancelled with a notification within 24 hours of booking. These are all the extra facilities a client can enjoy.