You may have taken a lie detector test at some point in your life. There are many reasons to take such a test; employment, dishonesty in a relationship, accusations of lying, cheating, and stealing, crime varying from theft to murder, and honest character. Our private investigator can assist you in all of these situations for they have a vast amount of knowledge that can be catered to their clientele.


Hidden Truths

The polygraph test can help you uncover hidden truths. Hidden truths could be in the form of lying deliberately, cheating on someone or cheating someone out of something, and stealing something physical or conceptual. These could be actualities or assumptions on you or someone you know. The easiest way to uncover the truth and to resolve assumptions is by taking a lie detector test, facilitated with or without a private investigator. Taking a polygraph for a job can reveal answers that the employers are looking for in their potential candidate. The cost of lie detector tests can range from the low hundreds to the high hundred depending upon the reason for the exam.


Confirm Honesty And Lies

In other situations, the polygraph test can help resolve misunderstanding or confirm them; this could determine the difference between honesty and lies. A lie detector test points out the lies when a person answers relevant questions. Sometimes, even when a person is being honest the lie detector test may read it as a lie. The polygraph test is not always able to pick up lies due to deliberate deception. There is the actual truth and then there is deception and manipulation of the truth to fit one’s needs.


Reasons For Failing A Polygraph Test

If you fail the lie detector test it does not always mean that you have lied. You might not have reviewed the questions thoroughly, you may not have given yourself enough time, and you did not think about the exact question being asked. Some tips for taking a polygraph test include being aware of what is being asked, giving yourself enough time to review questions, focusing only on each single question instead of passing and failing, and sit calmly even if you do not feel calm.

When you fail a polygraph test sometimes you are wrongly accused of a crime or of cheating. This can lead to blemishes on your character, depending on the nature of the crime. The private investigator that you employ divulges into your private matters and aids you with solutions. The private matters range from business to personal and the private investigator can help keep your private matters private. In some cases you or someone you know may have a personal vendetta, which can be the cause of various issues criminal or personal. They might deliberately sabotage your polygraph test or an additional investigation.